Sunday, June 16, 2013

I Feel You, Ana

Minggu lalu, saya baru nonton film berjudul 'Liberal Arts' (2012), yang di-direct dan ditulis oleh Josh Radnor. Yup, si Ted Mosby dari serial HIMYM itu! Secara garis besar, film ini bercerita tentang seorang pria berumur 30-an bernama Jesse (Josh Radnor) yang jatuh cinta dengan gadis berumur 19 tahun bernama Zibby (Elizabeth Olsen). Sekilas, mungkin 'Liberal Arts' terdengar seperti film-film romantis lain. Tapi, percaya deh, it's not.

Jesse sangat suka membaca. Ia bahkan sering berkunjung ke sebuah toko buku di mana Ana (Elizabeth Reaser) suka diam-diam memperhatikannya. Suatu hari, Jesse datang ketika toko buku tersebut telah tutup, tapi ia malah jadi terlibat obrolan dengan Ana, mendengarkan wanita itu berbicara mengenai kecintaannya terhadap buku.

Scene di mana dialog di bawah ini muncul!

AnaI love books. I do in, like, the dorkiest way possible. 

JesseOh, me too. It's a problem. 

AnaLike, I love trees cause they give us books. 

JesseSuper cool of the trees to do that, Right? 

AnaI'm actually... this is weird. I'm actually trying to read less. 


AnaI felt like I wasn't watching enough television. No, l just started to feel like reading about life was taking time away from actually living life, so I'm trying to, like, accept invitations to things, say "hi" to the world a little more. 

JesseThat sounds scary. It's going well? 

Ana: It's... okay. I keep thinking I'd be so much happier in bed with a book, and that makes me feel not super cool. I still read tons. I just feel like I'm more aware of a book's limitations. Does that make sense? 

JesseYeah, totally.


So, what do you think? Should we try to read less so that we can really live the life?
Yay or nay?


  1. kemarin lalu aku baru baca artikel ini:

    but again, people who fall in love with books never really falling (Duh!)

    and for your last question, my answer is a nay :-D
    aku oke2 aja meski sering terdistraksi dari dunia nyata gara2 buku :-P

    eniwei, jd pengen nyari filmnya. nice post ^^

  2. It's a nay for me, too. I mean, I feel like I already live the life by reading books as much as I could. You know, people always say "enjoy your life!" or "do what you like!" or words like that. And I like reading. I enjoy it so freaking much. I do agree with what Rowell said on that article you gave me though, that reading is escape, reading is running away. But it also makes me feel alive. So, yeah.

    Btw, thanks for the article. Bagus banget! A very nice read, really. :D

    Oya, kalau mau filmnya, bisa download di :)
